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Management Consulting


Target Operating Model Design

Drawing on experience from both corporates and government entities across all our key industry verticals, Teneo’s operating model design practice helps clients rethink every aspect of how they run their businesses.

Whether our clients are aiming to optimize the day-to-day, or undergoing a major transformation event, we collaborate with CEOs and their leadership teams to develop bespoke strategies with a focus on realizable implementation.

To do this, Teneo approaches operating model design using a framework based on five key pillars that work in combination to deliver our clients’ organizational objectives: people, process, structure, technology and governance.

Our rapid, flexible approach enables us to tackle engagements across these dimensions, working on the aspects that will bring our clients the most value.

Furthermore, we draw on Teneo’s unique, cross-functional expertise in leadership, culture change and communications to arm business leaders with tools to maximize the success of any subsequent change program.

How We Support You

People design

Effective people design requires matching groups of skills with processes to be delivered and expanding this into fully costed job specifications.

We work with our clients to determine the skills and capabilities required for their organization to succeed, before grouping complementary ones into specific job roles.

Once the roles are defined, we provide analytical support by leveraging market benchmarks and internal compensation data to determine the appropriate renumeration packages/structures. We are then able to calculate the total cost to the company of the end-state model.

In addition, we can provide a robust, 360-degree leadership assessment which establishes an organization’s capability baseline. From this baseline, we develop a set of laser-focused accelerators for the executive team to focus on which will move the needle on development, team integration and organizational impact.

Example Case Study

Teneo was engaged by a leading EdTech business, to redesign its North American go-to-market function as part of the integration which followed a transformative acquisition.

Process design

At Teneo, process design focuses on multiple outcomes – faster decision making, more effective, enhanced collaboration and increased transparency.

We work with our clients to conduct diagnostic assessments of current processes, identifying key pain points, inefficiencies and duplications before mapping out a future state that addresses these, while being conscious of tooling requirements and/or systems constraints.

To ensure success, we agree to measurable KPIs at the outset, which are then tracked throughout the design and testing phases, ahead of final sign-off with the process owners and key decision makers.

Example Case Study

Teneo worked with a leading Cyber Security provider to optimize its client delivery operating model, with a focus on streamlining and standardizing processes across both domestic and international markets.

Organizational structure design

High-performance organizations require structures that are consistent with the size and diversity of scope of their operations if they are going to be able to extract the maximum value from their people.

At Teneo, we combine our extensive experience and proprietary benchmarks with in-depth assessments of our clients’ businesses to develop cost-effective, realistic organizational structures.

This includes ensuring that management spans and layers are optimized and work is appropriately located, whether that be centralized or consolidated into ‘centers of excellence’ or distributed closer to customer delivery.

Example Case Study

Teneo conducted a detailed review of a global Cloud Computing provider’s front-office organizational structure, to identify areas of inefficiency and develop optimization strategies.

Technology & data

To achieve process efficiencies, the associated technology architecture should enable streamlined workflows and seamless data exchange.

To facilitate this, we map out clients’ systems landscapes and define the associated requirements and dependencies, acknowledging any function-specific nuances (e.g., around growth ambitions).

In parallel, we look to identify any duplication or redundancy in as-is, to highlight potential systems which could sunset, as we move towards a proposed design which is appropriately conscious of the inherent trade-offs between the limitations of the existing landscape and the complexity of any new implementations.

Example Case Study

Teneo supported a leading European ERP vendor to assess and update its systems strategy and wider back-office operating model.

Governance & KPIs

Strong governance and effective operational KPIs are critical to enable management teams to make strategic decisions and track results.

At Teneo, we work with businesses to identify key, measurable success metrics which have a meaningful linkage to performance. Once these are agreed on, we layer on a repeatable reporting approach, documenting the required output, cadence, audience, escalation thresholds and targets.

We also develop governance frameworks, covering formal delegations of authority, meeting cadences, attendee lists, agendas and responsibilities etc. These will focus on having the right people and the right time to ensure a strong chair is able to maintain focus, while allowing for necessary pragmatism and agility.

Example Case Study

Teneo worked with a global Telecoms operator to complete a multi-year overhaul of its global operating model, including revising its governance structures and authorization thresholds to enable greater regional autonomy.

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