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Portrait of Luc Werring

Luc Werring

Senior Advisor

Luc Werring has 23 years of experience In the European Commission working in the field of transport and energy.

Luc was appointed Head of Unit in 1991 for matters relating to Safety, Technology and Environmental aspects of Land Transport in DG Transport.

In 2000, he took over the Unit in the former DG TREN dealing with “Regulatory Policy and Promotion of New Energies and of Demand Management. In 2005 he was promoted to principal advisor to the DG (directors level) with as special tasks energy efficiency, infrastructure and external relations.

In his years at the Commission, Luc was responsible for the preparation and procedural adoption of numerous Directives and other legal acts in the fields of energy efficiency, eco-design, technology in transport, road safety and renewable energy.

In 2010, at the request of the Commission, he chaired the TEN-T policy review– expert group  – “ITS & New Technologies, preparing the adaptation of the TEN-T guidelines to new vehicle technology developments.

After he left the Commission, he worked as senior advisor for several  think-tank’s (e.g. the Clingendael Institute) and international PA firms giving strategic advice. He wrote many articles and papers, mainly in the field of climate policy, renewable energy and energy efficiency  and is writer and editor of  a 700 page book “EU Environmental Law” published in 2006.

Luc graduated cum laude as civil engineer at the University of Delft and worked as quantity surveyor, lecturer and project manager in engineering  for 10 years in the Netherlands before joining the European Commission in 1984.
