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Mathilde Oliveau

Senior Managing Director

Mathilde is a seasoned communications advisor specialising in editorial strategy and content.

A co-founder of Societer, a Teneo Company, she is also the founder and director of Sensible, an editorial and content strategy consulting firm dedicated to the narratives of executives and brands. Previously, she was Executive Director at Altermind, an executive consulting firm rooted in the academic world, and a speechwriter for several public figures. Previously, she was Speech Advisor to the President of the French National Assembly, and in charge of communications for the Commission for the Liberation of French Growth chaired by Jacques Attali. She has also consulted widely in the field of public affairs, with clients including the French Ministry of Economy, and in cultural affairs, with clients such as the Public Establishment of the Museum and National Domain of Versailles, the Louvre Museum, and the Centre Pompidou.

A graduate of Sciences Po Paris, the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and the École du Louvre, Mathilde is committed to educational issues. She taught the history of political ideas at Sciences Po for several years and regularly lectures at universities, notably on flamenco culture.

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