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Conor Bowles

Associate Director

Conor Bowles is a Associate Director with Teneo in Scotland, having joined Teneo as part of its purchase of Deloitte’s UK Restructuring business.

Conor has over four years restructuring advisory and insolvency experience across a range of sectors, covering both corporate and creditor advisory mandates and is a qualified Chartered Accountant with ICAS.


Selected Project Experience:

  • Project Java – Independent business review of a large UK coffeehouse chain, during the COVID-19 lockdown period.
  • Project Kane – Administration of Arcadia Group, worked on the concessionaire / external business workstreams and the coordination of over 400 store closures.
  • Project Dawn – Business plan review of a global airline on behalf of the secured lenders following the sustained decline in passenger numbers.
  • Project Volantes – Business plan review, options analysis and advice to the lenders of a listed aviation services business. Following a substantial decline in air traffic as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Group’s revenues and liquidity were significantly affected. A detailed review of the Group’s forecast trading recovery and liquidity needs was performed, with lending facilities successfully restructured.
  • Project Flora – CVA feasibility study on a market leading perfume retailer, providing comprehensive analysis on the company’s 200 store leasehold portfolio to establish whether a CVA was possible.
  • Project Spinney – Multiple-phase advisory mandate for Scottish Housebuilder and its secured lender, assessing business plan and options.
  • Project Carp – Administration of Bulb Energy, co-led the governance and regulation workstream managing key stakeholder interaction and issue resolution.
  • Project Willow – Corporate-side STCF review, business plan review and ongoing stakeholder management for a UK based CPG business with global operations.
  • Project Nobleman – Administration of a specialist vehicle manufacturer, supporting on the sales process which secured future employment for over 400 employees.
  • Project Bear – Multi-phase independent business and options review for the secured lender of a Scottish technology company.
