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Ariadne Moore


Ariadne Moore is a Manager with Teneo in London, having joined Teneo as part of its purchase of Deloitte’s UK Restructuring business.

Ariadne joined the London Restructuring Services Team in 2020 and has gained specific experience in company side financial advisory and the Leisure sector. Ariadne also has experience of working on lender side financial advisory and large trading administrations.

Ariadne qualified as a Chartered Accountant of South Africa in Deloitte’s London FTSE business, where she provided Audit and Assurance services to private, AIM-listed and FTSE clients across a range of industries.


Selected project experience:

  • Project Everest – Accelerated review of the liquidity requirements of a listed global airline ahead of new funding lines being introduced to support it through the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Project Madingley – Lender side review of the liquidity of a university college impacted by Covid-19.
  • Project Turn – Options advice to a large car parking services business, including consideration of a Restructuring Plan.
  • Project Jade – Group structure review and project managing Newco setup for an insurance business transferring its UK operations to comply with BREXIT regulations.
  • Project Quad – Project managing the due diligence process for the sale of target companies by a large international insurance business.
  • Project Hawkeye – Company side financial and operational restructuring of a South African Telco.
  • Project Knight – Accelerated review of the liquidity requirements of a taxi hailing company impacted by sanctions imposed on Russia following the invasion of Ukraine.
  • Project Maryland – Advice to a large, listed retailer on liquidity, including bond restructuring and consideration of a Restructuring Plan.
  • Bulb Energy – Trading administration.
