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Andy Wood

Managing Director

Andy Wood is a Managing Director with Teneo in Jersey, having joined Teneo as part of its purchase of Deloitte’s UK Restructuring business.

Andy has nearly 20 years’ experience working with stressed and distressed businesses in both the UK and Crown Dependencies.  Since moving to Jersey in 2013 he has focussed specifically on the financial services sector covering a diverse range of services including, Insolvency, Restructuring, Forensic Investigations and Regulatory matters.

He is a Jersey licenced and UK qualified insolvency practitioner and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.


Selected Project Experience:

  • Appointed as liquidator by the Jersey court in the Just & Equitable liquidation of a Jersey company in novel circumstances, following a letter of request from the Canadian court.
  • Appointed as liquidator to several, formerly regulated, asset management Jersey subsidiaries of a major international bank including dealing with complex issues surrounding lost-contact customers, unknown holders and illiquid assets.
  • Appointed as compulsory liquidator, by the Guernsey court, of a trust company subsidiary of a global bank following its decision to exit the jurisdiction.  This appointment has involved running the legacy trust business during the liquidation and securing client exits of the remaining complex matters, including through court application, as well as running ongoing litigation in respect of pre-existing client complaints.
  • Appointed as Administration Manager by the Guernsey Court to the subsidiary of a Russian bank which was unable to continue trading due to sanctions issues, following an application by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.  Working to obtain necessary licences from relevant authorities in multiple jurisdictions to return cash and assets to investors whilst managing regulatory issues.
  • Managing the court appointed liquidation and investigation intoan Isle of Man fund which provided bridging loan finance against UK properties.  This has included: using forensic investigation tools to unpick the trading history of the fund; agreeing a multi-million pounds settlement in a multi-party dispute over asset ownership; and litigation against the former manager of the fund including preparation of detailed witness statements and giving witness evidence.
