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ESG Advisory Offering

Despite recessionary pressures and recent pushback, ESG has continued to become more essential and ubiquitous. Using a holistic view of the ESG landscape, Teneo is equipped to assist companies with a specific aspect of their ESG program and can also work with companies to build and develop a comprehensive and bespoke ESG strategy and implementation plan catered to their business and industry.


Investor Relations & Disclosure

As stakeholder expectations for company ESG disclosure quickly evolve, and slowly begin to standardize, companies are now being regularly assessed on how well the organization is managing material ESG risks and stakeholder interests. Almost all “mainstream” investors are now incorporating ESG factors into their investment and voting/engagement activities.

Our governance team helps companies navigate the world of ESG ratings, rankings and indexes that are increasingly impacting a company’s access to capital, shareholder meetings and overall reputation with stakeholders.

  • ESG ratings & rankings analysis
  • Peer ESG disclosure benchmarking: Best practices
  • ESG shareholder profiles: How ESG-focused are your investors?
  • Shareholder engagement
  • Integrate ESG priorities into investor engagement